By now just about everyone has heard that the US Government has authorized the hiring of 87,000 new employees to help collect taxes. A few observations:

  1. The IRS has lost approximately 10,000 employees during Covid, so IRS is already down 10,000 employees from the get-go.
  2. So that leaves 77,000 new employees. However, we also have to factor in that a number of agents will have reached retirement age, the IRS has stated there is a big waive of attrition coming, so a lot of the new employees will be replacing those who retired.
  3. IRS has announced that they are hiring 5,000 of those new employees to become IRS tax preparers. Not sure how much of that will affect H&R Block, but apparently IRS is going into tax preparation business.

My opinion, really hard to determine exactly what is true, with both sides spinning like crazy.

I think the bigger problem will be, if you call IRS, and you get someone newly hired and is not familiar with your issue. You are going to have to research your issue, you will need to not the IRM section and be able to quote it, assuming the newly hired person is not familiar with the IRM.

About: Marv

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