Certain banks freeze your bank account upon filing bankruptcy. Also, credit card issuers will close your account upon filing bankruptcy even if you have a zero balance.
How do banks and credit card companies know you filed bankruptcy?
Simple, banks and credit card companies subscribed to a service (BANKO, AACER, etc.) that capture all bankruptcy filings (Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 bankruptcies, all bankruptcy filings) within 20 minutes of the filing. Bankruptcies are public record and information of all filings is on line.
These services (BANKO, ACCER) look for 9 identifiers, first name, last name, address, City, State, Zip, DOB, SSN, Account Number. If they match 5 or more identifiers, the computers automatically transfer this information to the subscribing creditor. If there is only a match for of 4 or less identifiers, this information will be reviewed by a real person.
So even if you do not list a creditor on your bankruptcy petition, it is very likely they will receive notice of you bankruptcy filing, probably even before your bankruptcy attorney notifies you of the filing.
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Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney
- Law Offices MJ Mann Bankruptcy Attorney
- 2706 Artesia Blvd, Suite A
- Redondo Beach, CA 90278
- 310.376.9865