You can obtain all three of your credit reports once a year for free, or get one credit report from one credit bureau every 4 months, from annualcreditreport.com. By getting a report every four months, you are doing your own credit monitoring. Login in giving personal information, and then download one at a time, don’t get the three in one special, or “do you want your FICO score” special.
Or, you can write to each credit reporting bureau (latest addresses from Federal Trade Commission):
- Equifax, Inc. Experian Transunion
- PO Box 740123 901 West Bond PO Box 505
- Atlanta, GA 30374-0123 Lincoln, NE 68521 Woodlyn, PA 19094
- Attn: Consumer Services
- Department
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- Law Offices MJ Mann Bankruptcy Attorney
- 2706 Artesia Blvd, Suite BK
- Redondo Beach, CA 90278
- 310.376.9865